• +86 18102945171
  • Rješenja

    Prehrambena i farmaceutska industrija
    Prehrambena i farmaceutska industrija
    U prehrambenoj i farmaceutskoj industriji, procesi rukovanja materijalima uključuju raspakivanje, hranjenje, skladištenje, istovar, mljevenje, prosijavanje, sušenje, detekciju metala, transport i mjerenje, između ostalih faza. Za praške, granule i tablete, Wijay se bavi potrebama automatizacije proizvodnje mnogih prehrambenih i farmaceutskih kompanija sa čistim industrijskim dizajnom i preciznom preciznošću sastojaka.
    New Materials Industry
    New Materials Industry
    In the field of material automation in the food and pharmaceutical high-purity industry, Vijay has many years of experience and rich industry knowledge. Vijay has served many world-renowned top food companies and designed and implemented system solutions for them.
    Industrija gume i plastike
    Industrija gume i plastike
    Sistemsko rješenje koje je dizajnirao Weijie je efikasno, jednostavno i vrlo pouzdano. Skladištenje, centralizirano sušenje, transport, mjerenje, uklanjanje prašine, inspekcija metala, kontrola izvlačenja žice, itd. cijelog tvorničkog materijala može biti dizajniran kao skup sistema, a ne kao jedna mašina.
    Chemical Industry
    Chemical Industry
    Wijay pneumatic conveying system is widely used in the chemical industry to effectively solve the risks of powder dust and avoid dust explosion. It is particularly suitable for conveying various powdered and granular chemicals, such as titanium dioxide, azurite powder, limestone powder, magnesium oxide powder, silica powder, etc.
    New Energy Industry
    New Energy Industry
    We have rich project design experience in the production of battery materials such as lithium iron phosphate, ternary high nickel, lithium manganese oxide, natural graphite, artificial graphite, etc., and provide one-stop solutions such as unpacking and feeding of lithium battery slurry and positive and negative electrode materials, pneumatic conveying, metering and batching, crushing and coating, screening and demagnetization, mixed batching, and packaging.